
Online ESL Games


Click here: Online ESL Games (gamestolearnenglish.com)

A Web Quest 27 Club


What do you Know about the 27 Club?

Click here for the web quest: A Web Quest For Maricruz Albornoz Basto (teach-nology.com)

Make Belief Comix

 This is more a fun element to add to your digital classes. Students can create a comic strip choosing characters, adding speech bubbles etc.  Could be done in a breakout room if using the platform Zoom for lessons for example and then shared via email or screenshot.

Getting started with teaching English online


Teaching English as a Foreign Language in Pandemic Times



  • Joana Taci

    (Phd., University “Eqrem Çabej†, GjirokasterFaculty of Social Sciences, Department of Foreign Languages)


In general, teaching, as a multidimensional process, has always been considered as a crucial element for the society to progress. Recently, it has become the talk of the town as it is facing a challenging reality, that of virtual teaching introduced due to the pandemic precautions taken by the education bodies worldwide. It is quite obvious that extreme situations bring flashes that may blind or inspire us and this is the case in present days. We teachers, professors, and educators have spent many hours within the classroom or teaching environments and outside ruminating, pondering, discussing the best teaching methodology that inspires, draws students’ attention and enhances their involvement during teaching/learning activities; we have invested our knowledge and experience on quite a considerable number of elaborated articles, but all these years it has never crossed our mind that we as teachers will be ever faced with such crashing reality. We have always considered the introduction of technology (computers, interactive boards, etc) as an assisting tool and not as the only and most important mean of disseminating and acquiring knowledge. So, the aim of this article is to reconsider the methodology of teaching English as a foreign language and the moribund and distressed situation it has fallen into lately. How we ought to motivate students if we have to overcome the mask and computer screen obstacle?

Click here for the complete article: Taci.pdf (euser.org)


 Liveworksheets allows you to transform your traditional printable tabs (doc, pdf, jpg...) into self-adjusting interactive exercises, which we call "interactive tabs".

Students can complete these online listings and send their answers to the teacher. This is good for students (more motivating), for the teacher (saves you correction time) and for the environment (saves paper).

In addition to this, our interactive tabs take advantage of new technologies applied to education: they can include sounds, videos, drag-and-drop exercises, arrow joining, multiple selection... and even spoken exercises, which students have to complete using the microphone

Click here: Liveworksheets.com - Generador de fichas interactivas para todos los idiomas y asignaturas

Phonetic Chart

 For the interactive phonectic chart click here: Interactive Phonemic Chart | Pronunciation | EnglishClub

Irregular Verbs Wheel


You can download the template so your students do their own wheel of verbs :)

Create your own teaching material online


FREE Flashcard Maker - Online app to make printable flashcards in PDF

Maze Generator

Free Online Puzzle Maker (puzzle-maker.com)

British Council LearnEnglish Teenagers


British Council LearnEnglish Teens | Free resources for teens to help improve your English

British Council Learn English Kids


British Council LearnEnglish Kids | Free online games, songs, stories and activities for children

Online ESL Games

  Click here:  Online ESL Games (gamestolearnenglish.com)